I always try to keep in mind that you can always do better than your best. I'm not living my life for other people, I'm living my life for myself. Therefore, I make sure that whatever journey God decides for me to take in life, it's what I want and it's making me happy. I always over achieve. Since I was young, I have always gone the extra mile... especially in school. Maybe back then it had a little to do with the fact that my Mom was a teacher at my Elementary School and I just wanted to show her how smart I was. Ha! But then again, I really just wanted to learn. I was always asking questions and asking for more assignments to do! Outside of school, I was always to curious as to finding out how things worked the way they did. I would take things apart, just to put them back together, look up editorials, watch videos. I did the same with my music. My parents bought me a guitar when I was in middle school and I would play around with it for hours trying to make the sound come out the way I wanted it to! Needless to say, I found that task a little difficult; but I still continued to try. A couple of years down the road, I started taking piano lessons. This came natural to me and it became a great passion of mine! I practiced day and night and fell in love with the music I could make... I wanted to learn everything I could! And now... many years later, that concept still remains the same. Although few of my interests have changed (besides music), I am continuously wanting to learn. Any information that my mind consumes allows me to better myself and my talent. All these people around you may be great mentors and help you down your path to success and greatness, and you should let them; but just make sure that everything you're doing is for you, only you, and noone else. Take all advice and suggestions into consideration, but don't let it overpower your own intelligence. Do what makes your heart smile!

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