So I guess I never did tell my story... the reason for me being in Miami in the first place. Well, I grew up in a small beach town, born and raised; never got the chance to move away. There's only so much you can do in a little beach bum town. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love it there... but I felt like it was time for me to spread my wings and do my own thing. I always thought about the possibilities with moving away and living in a bigger city. I felt that it would help me further myself and my interests. Growing up I took five years of piano lessons and from there taught myself. I still absolutely love it and would like to pursue something of the sort because music is my euphoria... but my main passions are photography and writing! I was starting to feel like I took photographs of things repeatedly because I was running out of ideas! Writing was still going well, but I needed new ideas and something to boost my motivation. So around the beginning of this year, my boyfriend and I started talking about all the things we wanted to do, and possible cities to make it happen! I was getting sooo excited just thinking about actually getting out of my hometown, trying something new, starting a new life. The first option... Nashville, TN. At first, I was beyond thrilled! I started looking at apartments and pictures of the city (seeing as how I had never been there and wanted to check out my new home). I was applying for jobs and making plans. Then a couple months down the road, things came up that seemed to get in the way of that plan. Things seemed more difficult and weren't quite falling in place. Maybe Nashville wasn't the place to go. Lounging around one night, a great friend called. My boyfriend, friend and myself started talking about all the problems we were running into with our moving plans. My friends' response, "Let's just go to Miami!!" And it was over. That's all he had to say. My eyes lit up at the thought of still being able to be near the beach, bright lights, overpowering buildings, busy highways and amazing opportunity! And from there, the planning began! So less than two months later, I packed everything I owned in my car and was making the 12 hour haul down to my new home! It all fell together quickly, but perfectly. So here I am... pursuing my passions. I've been here for almost two months, and getting a slow start, but it's starting to look up! I've been taking as many pictures as possible! There are so many amazingggg things to see and places to go here. It's absolutely inspiring! Plus, I've been writing my butt off! So that's that for now... we'll see where it leads. I'm leaving it in God's hands :)
ur pikx cute=]